Management E-Track @DISAQ


The Management English Track refers to the courses we offer both in English, and in Italian. For the courses in English, a minimum of three students is requested.
Students will know the professor in charge for the course at the beginning of the semester so to contact them directly by email.
All the information will be anyway published on the webpage and on Facebook (international exchange students @ DISAQ).

Please look at the calendario dei corsi and orario delle lezioni to have information about the calendar of our activities, and all the other classes offered by our Department. All exchange students are invited to follow the class of Italian language at the CISAL.

For the SS 2015, the courses are the following:

Update will follow

The course of Cross-Cultural Management (Prof. Chiara Cannavale Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) will start on Friday, at 2.00 p.m. in room 2.2
The information about the other courses will be published after the Easter holidays.


For any other information, please email at
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 Management English Track with syllabus 


* SEM = Semester; W.S. = Winter Semester; S.S. = Summer Semester.

Please visit:

** Courses will be activated for a minimum of three students. For all the courses activated by our department, please visit:


International Management

Dear students the course will start on Tuesday 13th in room 2.6 according to the following schedule:

Monday 14.00-17.00

Tuesday 10.30-12.00

Thursday 14.00-17.00


Cross-Cultural Management

Dear students the course will start on Monday 12th in room C.3 according to the following schedule:

Monday 11.00-14.00

Tuesday 12.00-14.00

Thursday 11.00-14.00